Nov 08 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

From Olde News Now, West Chicago Historical Society’s Nov-Dec 2011 newsletter … “a big thank you to the West Chicago Garden Club and their members for all the hard work they do on the garden at the Kruse house.  We could not maintain this historic garden without all the time they volunteer and the dedication they bring to this project.”  We appreciate the recognition of our efforts!  Thanks for the thank you!

It has been a good year in the garden.  We keep moving steadily forward and are satisfied with our progress.  We want to recognize Tom Fessler’s faithful presence and helpful efforts in the garden.  It will be good to have our seasonal winter break.  But, we plan to be back in full force when spring rolls around again.  Until then we will be happy to view the pictures taken this year and toy with some new and better ideas for next year.

Aug 20 2011

Field Trip of the West Chicago Prairie – a very fun time!

Filed under Uncategorized

Several members of WCGC met on Saturday, July 30th, for a 2 to 3 hour guided tour of the West Chicago Prairie Forest Preserve. The tour was led by Steve Sentoff, President of the West Chicago Prairie Stewardship Group. The 360-acre West Chicago Prairie Forest Preserve in West Chicago is one of the region’s premier natural areas. In addition to wetlands and upland oak savannas, the preserve is home to one of the most biologically diverse sites within northeastern Illinois, the 126-acre Truitt-Hoff Nature Preserve.

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Aug 17 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

Yes, we did have a nice party on Sunday August 7! The heavy rain that morning provoked some doubt but by 1 PM the skies were clear and we had a lovely afternoon.  Many thanks to all who brought treats for our guests!  No doubt, we have some talented bakers in our group.  Thanks so much for your generosity!  Donna and Kent Orlandini were a great help with table set up and arranging docents for house tours.  Thanks D&K!  At least 30 folks toured the house and the hand-painted garden accoutrements by Mary Kay were definitely a point of interest to all.  There was ample appreciation for the beautiful gardens….lots of praise for the many varieties of coleus tucked throughout the gardens.  Humming birds were on hand (Dave Urhausen will testify to that) and the pond was jumping with frogs!  Highest count on frogs was 6 and one posed nicely for a photo.  It was wonderful to have so many garden club members come to visit the garden.  As always, your interest and support are greatly appreciated! Continue Reading »

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