Aug 20 2011

Field Trip of the West Chicago Prairie – a very fun time!

Posted at 7:46 am under Uncategorized

Several members of WCGC met on Saturday, July 30th, for a 2 to 3 hour guided tour of the West Chicago Prairie Forest Preserve. The tour was led by Steve Sentoff, President of the West Chicago Prairie Stewardship Group. The 360-acre West Chicago Prairie Forest Preserve in West Chicago is one of the region’s premier natural areas. In addition to wetlands and upland oak savannas, the preserve is home to one of the most biologically diverse sites within northeastern Illinois, the 126-acre Truitt-Hoff Nature Preserve.

The Stewardship Group aids in the management and preservation of the West Chicago Prairie Preserve. They are part of the Volunteer Network established by The Nature Conservancy and work as a Support Group in cooperation with the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, which is responsible for the overall management of the Prairie. They are an affiliate of The Conservation Foundation, a nonprofit land and watershed protection organization.

The City of West Chicago and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County jointly own 153 acres of the West Chicago Prairie. The FPD owns the rest solely and manages the entire site. FPD has a webpage specifically for the WCP, with background and history

After an orientation and safety instructions for walking through the tall plants, Steve led us on a hike through a varied landscape, during which he shared background on how the site was saved from industry in years past and by dedicated volunteers. The hardier of us enjoyed an extended tour with Steve.

Visit to learn more about this hidden gem in our backyard.

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