Jan 15 2010

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

 “From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens: the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind’s eye.”
–   Katherine S. Whit

January and February are months for gardeners to dream.  The ‘new year’ of spring is eagerly anticipated but no need, or possibility, of hurrying time so we revel in catalogues, magazines, & books (now-a-days, Internet and seminars too) for pictures and words to stir our imaginations and stimulate our creative juices.  J. Nuese, The Country Garden, 1970, speaks of leafing through catalogues, “half drunk with anticipation”.  And goes on to describe winter as the gardener’s cocktail hour, “just as in the candle-lit dusk of the cocktail hour all men are brilliant and all women beautiful so, in the catalogues, all plants are enchanting, all bloom unceasingly, all are easy to grow, all are suited to your area.  It is one of the happiest of all delusions, putting stars into your eyes and mush into the mental processes.”  No doubt, Cecilia Kruse and her mother and aunts before her, happily lost themselves in the bliss (or scourge) of gardener’s winter dreaming. We carry on the tradition without resistance! Continue Reading »

Nov 14 2009

President’s Dinner and Garden Dollar Auction

Filed under Uncategorized

Are you ready for the much-anticipated Garden Dollars Auction? We have many items for the silent auction that will take place before, during, and after our dinner.

For dinner, chicken, beverages, and tableware will be provided. Please bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share, arriving no later than 6:30 p.m.

For the auction, bring your Garden Dollars with you—they are the only currency that will be accepted to redeem auction items. 25 Garden Dollars will be given to each attendee as they enter the meeting. Do you still have uncollected Garden Dollars from this year’s activities? (see sheet on page 5 of the November newsletter for how to earn) Figure up how much you’re owed, and collect them from the welcome table as you enter.

Renew your membership at the November meeting, and earn 50 Garden Dollars!

Oct 14 2009

News from Kruse
– by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

This is our 8th and final ‘News’ for the year.  We are grateful to our newsletter editor for her patience with our last minute submissions and her creative presentation of our ‘news from kruse’.  We are always delighted to see page 4…thank you Elaine! You are the greatest! 

Well, we’ve gone from grape hyacinths to ‘Tidy Time’. The garden has dazzled and delighted through-out the year.  The Kruzies, (Tom, Angie, Billie), have been rewarded for their efforts!  From buds to decay the ever changing, always interesting, garden has been a pleasure and the company ain’t bad either!   Thank you garden club members one and all for your support throughout the year.  Also, a special thanks to Historical Society leadership for their encouragement and assistance in our work. We had a great time at the Ice Cream Social in September.  It’s such a good time to relax and enjoy the garden without a tool in hand.  Also, great to win some loot at auction!  Continue Reading »

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