Oct 14 2009

News from Kruse
– by Angie & Billie

Posted at 8:53 pm under Kruse House

This is our 8th and final ‘News’ for the year.  We are grateful to our newsletter editor for her patience with our last minute submissions and her creative presentation of our ‘news from kruse’.  We are always delighted to see page 4…thank you Elaine! You are the greatest! 

Well, we’ve gone from grape hyacinths to ‘Tidy Time’. The garden has dazzled and delighted through-out the year.  The Kruzies, (Tom, Angie, Billie), have been rewarded for their efforts!  From buds to decay the ever changing, always interesting, garden has been a pleasure and the company ain’t bad either!   Thank you garden club members one and all for your support throughout the year.  Also, a special thanks to Historical Society leadership for their encouragement and assistance in our work. We had a great time at the Ice Cream Social in September.  It’s such a good time to relax and enjoy the garden without a tool in hand.  Also, great to win some loot at auction! 

Thanks to one of Tom’s generous neighbors we had an opportunity to add some fading white picket fence sections to the back fence.  We think they soften the chain link and add a bit of whimsy. We would love to hear what you think…stop by and have a look.  While you’re there don’t be too surprised at the disappearing (well, only a small bit disappeared) compost pile.  The bottom of the garden debris pile has matured into ‘good dirt’ and we used it to pot up some hostas for next year’s plant sale.  There you have it…the cycle of nature!  Boy, are we Green! 

In February we reminded ourselves that our goal is a charming low maintenance garden to be enjoyed and appreciated, now and for years to come. We are satisfied that we remained on that track and look forward to continuing that journey next year. To that end we are formulating a list of resolutions … “We will bravely throw out every plant that is a misfit”, “Specimens that require coddling need not apply”… etc.  As part of your new year’s resolutions we hope that you resolve to join us in the garden.  Believe us, the rewards are many!  

See you in the garden… A&B

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