Jul 19 2023

News from Kruse: July 2023

Filed under Kruse House

By Dee Soustek

A yellow cutout bee in the garden.The bee and butterfly displays are back!

These are a delightful addition to the Kruse garden. The garden is looking fabulous!  The real life pollinators are really enjoying the fruits of our labor. So many of the perennials are in full bloom, it’s amazing how much more is blooming since our June meeting.  It’s hard to name a favorite, however, one that stand outs for me is the Bear Breeches/Acanthus Spinosus.  It is so dramatic, with the towering spires of purple and white trumpet shaped flowers and the shiny thistle like leaves.  I wish I had the space in my garden for a clump of it. It does get big; grows 30” to 36” High by 2’ to 3’ Wide.2 waterlily flowers - pink with yellow centers.  The other little gem that I wanted to highlight is the water lily. You have to catch it when the sun is out, such a pretty pink lily.

There is so much to see, and enjoy, you need to swing by and let us know some of your favorites. The Kruse garden is hosting Twilight Tuesday, August 8th, hope to see you there!  

Jun 14 2023

June 22 Meeting: Garden Visit & Flower Arranging Workshop

Filed under Kruse House,Meetings

By Ruth Kyme

Our June meeting will be held in the Kruse Garden (weather permitting,) otherwise we will meet at St. Andrews Church.  I will guide you in creating a lovely Mason jar floral arrangement using flowers and foliage from your garden.

The workshop is for members-only, but all visitors are welcome at the meeting and visiting the Kruse House Museum & Garden.

The “ingredients “ from your garden can be divided into 3 basic groups that we work with to create a unique arrangement:

  • FOCAL – the main flowers that capture the most attention – hydrangeas, lilies, coneflowers, daisies, etc.
  • FILLER – other flowers compliment the focal flowers – cosmos, snapdragons, yarrow, salvia, goats beard, etc.
  • FOLIAGE – the greenery that creates the foundation for the focal and filler flowers- shrub cuttings, various herbs, grasses, dusty miller, scented geranium, poppy pods, etc.

Although not totally necessary, try to have fairly equal amounts from each group.  If you are able to bring extras of any group to share with others, that would be greatly appreciated.

The WCGC will provide each arranger with a pint(16oz.) wide-mouth Mason jar with a grid (frog) insert.  The insert will aid in keeping plant material in place during the arranging process and afterwards.  You will need to bring a cutting tool appropriate for cutting flowers and greenery. 

Be creative and have fun selecting your “ingredients!”  I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s creations.

NOTE: If you are not interested in the mini-workshop, please come by the meeting to see the fantastic Kruse House Museum & Garden. Our volunteers do an amazing job and it is well worth the visit. We will have the usual snacks/social time before the business meeting and there is plenty of space to wander around and visit without disturbing the workshop. The Kruse House will be open for inside tours along with a display of. Celia Kruse’s garden tools.

PARKING: There are only a few parking spots actually at the Kruse Museum; however, we have obtained permission to park in the City Hall Parking Lot (475 Main Street) which is a very short walk to the garden.

Jun 14 2023

News from Kruse: June 2023

Filed under Kruse House

By Billie Childress

These folks are fun and great gardeners! I look forward to Wednesday mornings in the Kruse House Museum Gardens. Please consider joining us. The participation is totally flexible. Sometimes only 4-5 of us are there but every person makes a difference. You will fit right in and a couple hours of your time will be greatly appreciated. We work every Wednesday morning at 9am. Just show up with minimal tools (we have extras in shed as needed). Contact Billie 630-862-1213 with any questions.

WE ARE READY: Garden Club is meeting in the Kruse Gardens in June. You are gonna love the gardens! And we hope you’ll return often with friends, family and neighbors to share this garden with others. Sharing this garden is really what we’re all about. It’s a locus of beauty, inspiration, education, contemplation and so much more.

NEW STUFF: We have added a trellis, mailbox, and some rock borders. And of course we are always tucking in new plants. It’s tough to get a new plant established because we’re not there all the time to keep an eye on them and it’s a big garden.

Looking forward to seeing you in the garden!

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