Mar 13 2013

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Posted at 7:24 pm under Kruse House

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” –Charles Dickens

March brings daylight savings time, the vernal equinox, and unpredictable weather. The snow melts and plants poke through. Weather is the primary determinate of garden activity in March. You may recall last year we had 9 consecutive days smack dab in the middle of March when the high temperatures held between 78 and 83 degrees. There was an explosion of growth. We were scurrying around to get cleanup accomplished before the plants were in danger of decapitation from the rakes. Of course the piper was paid with early April temperatures dropping below freezing eight times. That glorious unseasonably early plant growth took a big hit and some of the plants carried that damage through the seasons. This March appears to be more traditional weather. We are coiled to spring into Spring cleanup as weather allows and extend an open invitation for you to join us (Tom, Angie, Billie… call any of us for details) on our Monday morning workathons in the Kruse Garden.

Grape hyacinths have long been the stars of early Spring in this garden. They are prolific throughout and any new plant installation is sure to unearth a handful. They are small but mighty in their attraction. Thank you, Bertha and Celia Kruse, for the beginnings of this legendary planting. Soon these blue beauties will form a necklace around the house and stud the back garden with sapphire jewels. If any garden club members want a hand full of these bulbs we can save them during the season. Watch the sharing table for these treasures.

Remember the picture of the tumbling down wall behind the pond that was included last month? We were asking for a volunteer(s) to rebuild this stone wall. We haven’t heard from anyone….yet! You know that saying “many hands make light work”, well, we could sure use a hand. Contact Angie (630) 231-5851 or Billie (630) 231-1791 to volunteer.

Attention: Agri-horti-flori-cultural friends, aka garden club members, we would like to know what your Spring Resolutions are. You could help us charter a course for our work this year. You may have something up your sleeve that could be executed in the Kruse Garden. We have been tending the Kruse Garden for a number of years now and we find ourselves doing more of the same. We don’t want to miss a chance for innovation so share your ideas with us. Better yet share a favorite plant with us. The garden is rich with pass-along plants. Those are the plants that flourish! Even if you just stop by and visit us some Monday morning we would be thrilled that you’re interested.

Until next month, remember, to a gardener, Spring is ceaseless work and ceaseless wonder. Pay more attention to the wonder.

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