Sep 01 2012

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Posted at 3:21 pm under Kruse House

Someone has been edging the Kruse Garden beds!  And they are doing a mighty fine job of it! We have asked around trying to identify the gracious gardener but to no avail. The crisp edging is so perfect it looks to be machine done. It really helps keep the weeds out of the beds and frames the gardens very nicely.  As you know from touring the gardens, there are many feet of edging surrounding the beds and it’s not an easy task to keep up with. Whoever is helping us… thank you… it is greatly appreciated! We’d love to thank you in person and pick up some tips from your fine skills. Let us know who you are. We know there are other helpful gardeners who stop by the Kruse Garden and pull some weeds, pick up some trash or do a bit of deadheading or watering. We tip our sun hats to all of you and encourage your continued efforts. Small acts do make a difference and you are encouraged to join us when you can on Monday mornings or go solo and contribute as you can on your own. We will schedule a ‘mulch distribution’ work day this fall so maybe that will be your opportunity to be involved. It is rewarding to work with other gardeners. The things learned are remarkable!

The drought brought all things associated with watering, front and center this year. The 2 existing hose reels needed repairs, accomplished with new tires and minor parts, but we needed a third reel so east, west, and back faucets could service their adjacent areas. Mission accomplished! We purchased a nifty new hose reel and a 100 ft hose. The job goes a lot easier with the right tools!  We are downright proud of that new hose reel. Take note on your next visit… east side of the house.

We hope you were able to participate in the Ice-cream Social, Historical Society’s annual fundraiser.  The treats are always spectacular and the auctions items good deals. It’s a fun Saturday afternoon and if you missed it this year, tuck a note in your calendar for next year. Never miss a chance to spend time in our favorite garden!

It’s been a challenging year in the garden yet it’s been rewarding!  We go each Monday morning to work and find many things to be delighted with. Hope your gardens have given you joy despite the tough conditions.

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