May 17 2023
News from Kruse: May 2023
By Keith Letsche
After delays by April’s cold and rainy weather, the Kruse House garden crew has been working diligently in May to get the garden in shape. The past two Wednesdays were spent trimming and removing dead branches and plant stalks and giving the garden a thorough weeding. Also last Wednesday, the front beds were planted for the summer with marigolds and alyssum. Next week the pansies and johnny-jump-ups in the front and side urns will be traded for clusters of summer flowers. Joining the Kruse House crew since last report is Christina Covarrubias. Not only will she be digging in the garden with the rest of the crew, but will be acting as the liaison between the Garden Club and the Historical Society and planning garden tours and other events to draw more people to the garden.
Although April’s lush rows of grape hyacinths are now gone, clumps of irises and other later spring plants are blooming in the front bed on the east side. In the backyard the branches of the redbud are coated with rosy blooms, one of the real treats of spring. And a new lattice screen, built by Kerry Perry and a friend of hers, has been erected in front of the condominium transformer at the end of the driveway. We are fast moving toward June when the garden will be at its height.
If you are interested in volunteering, our Kruse Gardeners are out in the garden (527 Main Street) every Wednesday morning (weather permitting). All are welcome!
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