Apr 20 2023

News from Kruse: April 2023

Posted at 11:23 am under Kruse House

By Barbara Darrah

It’s April, known as both the sweetest and the cruelest month.

Last week, she danced in, made a brief pirouette and flitted out again.

Daffodils in the woods

Barbara’s Daffodils, Virginia Bluebells & scilla

Last week, my garden was a sea of daffodils, Virginia bluebells and scilla. This morning, they were barely peeking up through a light layer of snow.  But this is no surprise here in Northern Illinois and we know that she will be back, glistening in the sunlight and bursting with color.

In March, the intrepid volunteers at Kruse House came out, when the weather allowed us, to prune and clean up beds without much to show except piles of branches and brush .Last week, however, to our great happiness, we uncovered daffodil, bluebells, scilla, may apples, magnolia blossoms and a beautiful and bountiful scattering of grape hyacinths throughout the western side of the garden.  I have never seen so many massed in such a glorious spread of purple. [my favorite color]. Then, came the cold and snow. 

Grape HyacinthNevertheless, we know that it will warm up again, the snow will melt quickly and April will leap out again to fill our gardens with abundant and glowing color.

April, April, laugh thy girlish laughter, and the moment after, weep they girlish tears.” [Angus Wilson]

If you are interested in volunteering, our Kruse Gardeners are out in the garden (527 Main Street) every Wednesday morning (weather permitting).  All are welcome!

Magnolia blossom Virginia Bluebells Redbud tree branch


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