Archive for the 'Kruse House' Category

Aug 17 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

Yes, we did have a nice party on Sunday August 7! The heavy rain that morning provoked some doubt but by 1 PM the skies were clear and we had a lovely afternoon.  Many thanks to all who brought treats for our guests!  No doubt, we have some talented bakers in our group.  Thanks so much for your generosity!  Donna and Kent Orlandini were a great help with table set up and arranging docents for house tours.  Thanks D&K!  At least 30 folks toured the house and the hand-painted garden accoutrements by Mary Kay were definitely a point of interest to all.  There was ample appreciation for the beautiful gardens….lots of praise for the many varieties of coleus tucked throughout the gardens.  Humming birds were on hand (Dave Urhausen will testify to that) and the pond was jumping with frogs!  Highest count on frogs was 6 and one posed nicely for a photo.  It was wonderful to have so many garden club members come to visit the garden.  As always, your interest and support are greatly appreciated! Continue Reading »

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Jul 20 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

It’s party time!  The 4th annual Secret Garden at the Kruse House event is coming soon! Sunday, August 7, from 1-4 pm, please come, tour house and garden, enjoy refreshments, and visit with friends.  The special feature this year will be an extensive presentation of original creations of garden art by local artist Mary Kay. Something you are sure to enjoy!  We look forward to walking the garden with you.  It will be a perfect way to spend a summer afternoon!  We will need your help with the sweet treats.  If you can provide a batch/pan of cookies/cake/bars (something that won’t melt in heat) that would be greatly appreciated!  Just bring the food donation with you when you come. Continue Reading »

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Apr 25 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

After a major cleanup at the Kruse garden, two truckloads of branches, leaves, and garden debris were hauled away. Spring bulbs started pushing out of the ground, many seemingly appearing overnight. The daffodil buds are starting to open; some so rounded and plump as if saying they are happy in their location. Somewhere in the back of memory was a glimmer of a poem about daffodils. Punching in “daffodils poem” Google came through with the most well-known poem on daffodils.


I wonder’d lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils…

By William Wordsworth [1804]

Over 200 years ago, William, at the age of 34, admired a flower that we still see in our gardens. Actually, the daffodil name is recorded from the 16th century, the name, aphodile from Medieval Latin. Just think, King Henry Vlll of England, strolled and admired it in his gardens, and called it Lent lily or daffydown dilly. Other names are narcissus, jonquil, fleurde coucou, perillon. In Wales it is the national emblem. Continue Reading »

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by Angie & Billie

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