Archive for the 'Kruse House' Category

Mar 13 2013

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” –Charles Dickens

March brings daylight savings time, the vernal equinox, and unpredictable weather. The snow melts and plants poke through. Weather is the primary determinate of garden activity in March. You may recall last year we had 9 consecutive days smack dab in the middle of March when the high temperatures held between 78 and 83 degrees. There was an explosion of growth. We were scurrying around to get cleanup accomplished before the plants were in danger of decapitation from the rakes. Of course the piper was paid with early April temperatures dropping below freezing eight times. That glorious unseasonably early plant growth took a big hit and some of the plants carried that damage through the seasons. This March appears to be more traditional weather. We are coiled to spring into Spring cleanup as weather allows and extend an open invitation for you to join us (Tom, Angie, Billie… call any of us for details) on our Monday morning workathons in the Kruse Garden. Continue Reading »

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by Angie & Billie

Feb 25 2013

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

In an article entitled “Interesting Shrubs” published in the May 1939 Bulletin, publication of The Garden Clubs of America, the witch hazel and fothergilla are extolled for their hardiness and ornamental value. That opinion is echoed by gardeners and horticultural experts today. The American Gardener magazine, official publication of the American Horticultural Society, Nov/Dec 2012 issue, has an extensive article on “Enchanting Witch Hazels”. The author says “few shrubs pack more punch in the winter landscape than witch hazels, which bear delicate fragrant flowers on a sculptural frame of bare branches”. Large, low maintenance shrubs are valuable structural additions to any garden. This time of year the value of garden bones (trees & shrubs) are evident and the Kruse Garden could use a few more bones to fill out the skeleton. A fothergilla shrub was added to the back garden a few years ago and it is doing well, but we don’t have any witch hazels.  Both of these shrubs have 3 season interest with early spring flowers to fabulous fall color. It’s apparent that a shrub recommendation that endures for 75 years is solid bet. We’re convinced that a witch hazel would be a grand addition to the back garden! Continue Reading »

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by Angie & Billie

Jan 13 2013

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

Our Garden Club will once again be supporting garden maintenance at the Kruse House Museum Garden. We started this project back in 1998 when this club was resurrected from dormant status by some ingenious Historical Society members. The Garden C lub has invested many hours and dollars over the years and the garden has evolved into a very fine garden. We are confident that the Kruse family would be proud that it is still a garden enjoyed by the community. Their intent was to preserve a snippet of their lives; thus the property was donated to the Historical Society in the 1960s. The gardens were always important to them. It was only in their later years they were unable to maintain the grounds in the fine style they were accustomed to. The revived garden has matured to where it currently ‘gives back’. We are able to dig quite a number of plants for our annual plant sale. Continue Reading »

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by Angie & Billie

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