Sep 20 2023

September 28th Meeting: Sharpening Garden Tools

Filed under Meetings

By Ruth Kyme

Photograph of a row of gardening hand toolsOur presenter, Ken Benson, is a landscape architect with degrees in horticulture from the University of Illinois. Ken will discuss the myth that gardening tools come from the store sharp. He will demonstrate how to use various sharpening stones to sharpen pruners, shovels, and all other gardening tools. You may bring a pair of hand pruners to be critiqued and if possible, sharpened with a hand file. Ken will try to sharpen as many pruners as possible, time permitting.

Benson is a landscape architect and was the host of cable TVs Landscaping with Ken Benson 1992-2000. He was a board member of the Chicago Flower and Garden Show 1998-2008 and a founding board member of MELA- Midwest Ecological Landscapers Association. Benson is also a past member of the Men’s Garden Club of Villa Park and has been giving programs since 1972 to garden clubs throughout the area.

REMINDER: If you still have pots that you would like to donate, our Plant Sale Chair people have organized to collect them at this month’s meeting. This is only for THIS month—we don’t have the space or time to handle this at other meetings. We are looking for 4” pots that we use for small plants and vegetables and for the standard gallon pots. Trays for both are also great. Ideally, we prefer pots that don’t have names/advertising printed on them, but we will take those. It would help, if you have the chance, to use a large sharpie to cross out whatever is printed on the pot and remove/cross out any labels on the pot.

Sep 20 2023

News from Kruse: September 2023

Filed under Kruse House

by Barbara Darrah

“Try to remember a kind of September when grass was green and grain was yellow”
(Song by The Brothers Four)

I think of September as the most ambiguous month of the year. I never know whether to be happy or sad. Summer still lingers, but Autumn is in the air. Our gardens are still green but there are touches of gold everywhere. At Kruse the gardens are still blooming gloriously as you may have seen at the Ice Cream Social. Still, there is that overall feeling of a declining summer holding its breath as Autumn creeps in. I love the crispness of a September day, but I hate watching August’s grandeur fade away.

Photograph of 6 of the Kruse Gardeners.During our most recent workday at Kruse, we weeded and deadheaded, hoping to hang on to that last bit of blossom, but spent the break talking about what we would be doing next year, already transplanting and dividing in preparation. I will miss our “group gardening” in the coming months, but I must admit that the chance to step back and take it easy sounds very enticing indeed about now.

“Try to remember a kind of September when life was slow and oh so mellow.”

Aug 16 2023

August 24 Meeting: Heirloom Plants & Loss of Diversity

Filed under Meetings

Jerome Johnson is the creative director of the Garfield Farm Museum in Campton Hills. Garfield Farm Museum is a living history farm that preserves the original 1840s farmstead. Jerome’s presentation, “Heirloom Plants and Loss of Genetic Diversity in Domestic Cultivars,” will be an introduction to the loss of genetic diversity in the plants that we humans depend on. Learn about how planting heirloom plants can increase genetic diversity.

Meeting Location: St Andrew Lutheran Church NE Corner of Prince Crossing & Geneva Road.

Meeting Time: 6:45PM Refreshments – 7:00PM Business Meeting – 7:15PM Program

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