Apr 12 2010

Annual Plant Sale

Filed under Plant Sale

It’s that time of the year again. We’re hosting our very popular annual plant sale, with many of the plants coming directly from the gardens of our membership. Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 15th from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. There will be annuals, perennials, flowers, shrubs, trees, hostas and much, much more. Come add to your garden and enjoy the rest of the annual Bloomingfest event in downtown West Chicago. For a map and additional information, click here.

Mar 13 2010

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

Notorious for varied weather conditions March marches forward with great fanfare.  Part winter, part spring, the changes are dramatic.  We enjoy the lengthening days, gawk at the ground for daffodil shoots and are delighted when we discover them.  We are joyful to see the first robins and hear the Sandhill cranes honking overhead as they migrate north.  March used to be the first month of the New Year. That makes a lot of sense, but back in 1752 the new style, Gregorian, calendar was introduced and January began the New Year. Whatever! 

The switch to daylight savings time changes the perspective altogether. The longer evenings are an outdoor gift!  Woweeee!  We better get out the rakes, oil the pruner and sharpen the spade.  We are going to be working in the garden.  But we want to be wise about our work.  We are all looking for balance in our lives.  Continue Reading »

Feb 17 2010

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

An Encyclopedia of Heirloom Ornamental Plants, 1640-1940, by Denise Wiles Adams was published in 2004. It is a remarkable book of history and horticulture with emphasis on American history that connects us with national roots and cherished past generations. This book is a treasure trove of information as well as heart warming. Much information for this reference was obtained from nursery plant or seed catalogs of the day, augmented and confirmed by period books and magazines. I thought it would be fun to share bits of history on select Kruse Garden plants. Continue Reading »

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