Jan 20 2011

Plant Friendly Ice Melters are Effective
by Heather Prince of The Growing Place

Filed under Uncategorized

Winter in the Chicago area means lots of ice and snow. Keeping paths, steps, and porches free of ice is an important safety measure, but not all ice melting products are plant friendly! Rock salt, or sodium chloride is our most common product, but it’s extremely harmful to plant material and can impact your soil health. Look for products made with calcium or magnesium chloride that are still effective, but much more plant friendly. In each case, less is more, so only use deicing chemicals in small areas. You can add extra traction and extend the product by mixing it with sand. Try to avoid piling salt-laden snow around trees or shrubs. If it can’t be avoided, make sure to thoroughly water the area in the spring to wash the product out of the soil and the root

Jan 11 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

“We haven’t designed this garden…we’ve made it a place we like, almost by accident”

From a Welsh gardener…garden featured in a recent issue of Gardens Illustrated.

How many of us have created our gardens by accident?  I expect a lot of hands are in the air!  And that is why we have January and February.  What an opportunity to read, talk, and plan!  While trial and error is tons of fun, considered choices may be more productive. Not to sound like a wet blanket…

So…we are looking through magazines, books, photos of the garden, catalogues, and such…savoring ideas of what to do this year.  Dear garden club members, we could use your help!  Got any brain storms for us?  The best results often come from a group effort.  Your input would be most welcome.  Have you thought that so and so plant/shrub would be perfect for the garden, or wouldn’t a path or bed be just the ticket …right there…. Well, talk with us.  Ideas provoke more ideas and we could be off and running on another fabulous year in the garden. Also, please think of us if you have plants ready for division.  Our best plants in the garden are pass-alongs from friends.  Last year, Merle Burleigh donated a generous amount of Plumbago/Leadwort from her garden.  The perky blue flowers were striking against purple-red foliage last fall.  Even in its first year, it was lovely!  Thanks Merle! Continue Reading »

Nov 18 2010

Our Thanks and Gratitude

Filed under Uncategorized

Several board members will retire from leadership positions after this month, having worked tirelessly on our behalf for many years. These volunteers are: Lou Horton (program chair) and Dick Darrah (plant sale coordinator).

Many thanks to them for all their hard work and long hours! Your efforts have helped make the WCGC the great organization it is.

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