Jul 09 2024

Afternoon Tea at the Kruse Garden

Saturday, July 13th from 2:00 to 4:00pm

Now that our members have had a chance to sign up for this limited availability event, we are opening up registration. If you are already registered but would like to bring more friends/family, feel free to sign them up. Or if you know someone who would enjoy having Afternoon Tea in the garden, please tell them about the event. There are a limited number of seats left.

Why wait until you can travel to London or Edinburgh when you can experience a wonderful afternoon tea here. Seats are filling and are limited! We invite our members and guests to an Afternoon of Tea, pastries, music, and a walk in the gardens! Please sign up for a very enjoyable and relaxing afternoon. Tour the gardens maintained by our very own club members, come early for a guided house tour then sit in the shade of the maple tree to be served one of the finest high teas you will ever experience!

  • When: July 13 Saturday 2 -4 pm
  • Where: Kruse Museum Gardens – 527 Main Street
  • Cost: $30 per person
  • Dress Code: Smart casual—Pastels, Florals, Hats ( no jeans/shorts)

We will serve Assorted Teas, Finger Sandwiches, Scones, Pastries, Strawberry Jam, Lemon Curd, Clotted Cream.

Tickets are available for members and non-members for $30 per person. They can be purchased at our online Square store.

Deadline to sign up is Friday, July 12 at noon. We are requesting that you come in your summer pastels or florals, or smart casual for men and women. Just no jeans or shorts, if possible! If you feel like going all out, wear a hat or fascinator!

Extra parking is available that afternoon at City Hall (475 Main Street).

Jun 20 2024

June 27th Meeting: Permaculture

Filed under Meetings

By Ruth Kyme

Our June speaker Thom Skibble, will introduce us to the concept of permaculture.

Thom tells us:

I used to work as an event planner and that industry, along with many others, shut down during the pandemic.  I took advantage of that time off of work to return to college.  I started with a Sustainable Urban Agriculture class at the College of DuPage.  That opened my eyes to many things and I was hooked.

The Permaculture Research Institute defines permaculture as a system that integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems.  Basically it is a way to grow food by creating healthy ecosystems that solve problems like pest control, fertilizing, and more.  It combines my passion for growing healthy foods, integrating native plants, and helps to sequester carbon to fight global climate change.  I love sharing what I know and helping people grow healthy foods for themselves.  I have also been a member of the Northern Illinois Iris Society for over a decade and have several award winning Irises in my yard.  I am continuing my education and looking forward to continuing to develop a wholistic design style that provides food and looks beautiful.

Meeting Location: St Andrew Lutheran Church (NE Corner of Prince Crossing & Geneva Road.)

Meeting Time:

  • 6:45PM Arrive & Mingle
  • 7:00PM Business Meeting
  • 7:15PM Program

Jun 20 2024

News from Kruse: June 2024

Filed under Kruse House

By Marilyn Santos McNabb

The vast assortment of perennials and beautiful shrubs and trees are coming to life at Kruse Gardens after a fairly good spring rain!  The purple larkspurs are so stunning next to the bright orange poppies!  Both are reseeds from last year!  The blooms of the Persicaria next to the pond is like smoke coming out of the greenery! the rose campion is beautiful in its rich magenta flowers next to the double petaled feverfew!

On to the front of the house, the Shasta daisies are starting to open, the planters are gorgeous with the deep purple and green kale accompanied by white angelonia and purple stock!  The very tall pink snapdragons are almost done with its first batch of blooms, time to pinch back, gather and save the seeds, and in a few weeks will shoot their next beautiful buds!

On the side west side of the house, are beautiful stands of sweet peas and a great contrast of shades of green from the grasses, boxwoods and juniper! Oftentimes, we forget that the different textures of leaves, and shades of green, sizes of the leaves, add so much interest and impact to a simple driveway.

Art installation: Painted Olmec headLastly, stop by and view the art work reminiscent of ancient Olmec  statues carved between 1200BCE to 400BCE.  The Olmecs , an aztec term meaning rubber people, given to the inhabitants of the gulf coast, now known as VeraCruz and Tabasco, created heads, quarried and carved to commemorate their rulers. There are 4 total pieces scattered all over West Chicago.

We welcome you to visit Kruse House Gardens and if you are interested in working in the gardens we are there Wednesdays, 9:00 to 11:30am.

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