Apr 19 2018

April 2018 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

Spring in Illinois is usually like Spring in the other states in the Midwest. But this year is an exception with cold temperatures and snow. You never know, one day to the next what the weather will be like. It has already caused some changes in our schedule for potting parties but we still have enough time to prepare.

I have always had mixed feelings about Spring. I either like it hot or cold, and Spring has both in no kind of order. I recall a Spring when I was in high school when three of my friends and myself decided to take the morning off. We went back to school during the lunch hour and told our teacher that we had a flat tire and it took us all morning to get it fixed. She smiled and told us that we had missed a test while we were gone, but that she could give it to us right now. She told us to take seats apart from each other and take out a piece of paper. Still smiling she waited for us to get ready. She then said: “First question: Which tire went flat”

Fairy garden photo

Fairy Garden

Those of you who have been to my home know that I have an outside Fairy garden which I have had for about four years. It started out small but over the years it has grown. It has a number of Gnomes and Fairies and tree houses for them to live in. Fairy gardens have become very popular over the years, to the point that they have shows for them with all the latest items a Fairy or Gnome may need. Fairy Gardens have been around since about 1893. The Japanese built  little bonsai dish gardens and their popularity climbed from there. My Fairy Garden was built for my Granddaughter. She helps me keep  things under control, and keep track of the Gnomes and Fairies that tend to wander off. I used to have Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on the back of my property. They were nicely painted and made out of cement. As they were so heavy I did not worry about them being stolen. As of today I have Snow White and Dopey, who is broken in half. How appropriate is that? I have found several in my neighborhood but have decided  that since they have relocated on their own I will just leave them there.

We are coming up on our annual Bloomingfest, and things from here on out are going to be very busy. I encourage all members to assist in this event and do whatever they can to help. This is a great way to meet and work with others in the club and get to know them. We have a lot of exceptional members. Remember that helping our club makes our club better. See you at the potting party.




Mar 15 2018

March 2018 Meeting – March 22nd

Filed under Uncategorized

How To Wake Up Your Garden

Information from our March speaker in his own words:

My name is Wally Schmidtke. I come from a commercial agricultural background, working on strawberry farms and cherry orchards in Traverse City, Michigan every summer thru school. You may have read my contributions to the column “Ask a Master Gardener” or “Tremendous Tomato Tips” published in the Daily Herald. I’ve been the proud recipient University of Illinois Master Gardener teamwork award for raising an organic vegetable garden and hosting workshops for the “Plant a Row for the Hungry” program. My nickname on the Mike Nowak Radio Show was ‘Dr. Wally’. Some of my presentations include the Chicago Botanic Gardens, local colleges (Oakton Community, William Rainey Harper and Lake County), public libraries (Des Plaines, Niles and Schaumburg), and an extensive list of garden clubs. My presentations are based on organic/natural techniques teamed with 30 years in horticulture and a lifetime of gardening experience.

My lecture and Power Point presentation “Wake up Your Gardens for Spring” on March 22nd will include:

  • Managing perennials and woody ornamentals for health and vigor for the upcoming season.
  • Preparing veggie and herb gardens with tips on the using the latest in organic fertilizers and amendments.
  • Seed starting – what you should be doing now.
  • How to get the most out of Container Gardens.
  • Tremendous Tomato Tips – Grow the best tasting and productive tomatoes this year, naturally.
  • Question and Answer Period

Mar 15 2018

March 2018 News from Kruse

Filed under Uncategorized

This month’s article was written by Kerry Perry. To see the full article with photographs, please see the March 2018 Newsletter.

Take Note…..

The Kruse House Garden is mostly dormant now, but a few bits of green are poking through the debris. There’s not much to see, but ooohhh the sounds! Just stand and listen. Spring has arrived!!

Flocks of Sandhill cranes have been flying over, their voices are a shrill rolling, chortling sound.

Redwing black birds are already beginning to declare their territories by making their loud chek and a high slurred tee-err. Their song is liquid gurgling.

American robins are here, their song is a clear caroling, short phrases, rising and falling. Robins are always a welcome sign of spring, and
often closely tied to the appearance of the first earthworms. Earthworms appear at the surface as soon as the average temperatures
of the ground reaches about 36 degrees. At the same time, the hungry robins return from the south.

Soon our crew will be out doing the annual cleanup at the Kruse House. We encourage all to join in and enjoy the camaraderie. And once things start blooming, be proud of our efforts. 


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