Oct 17 2018

October 2018 Meeting – October 25

Filed under Meetings


Presented by Keith Letsche

In July 2017 one of our Club members, Keith Letsche, spent two weeks touring England. While the tours focused mainly on architecture and history, he managed to snap photos in spare moments of the surrounding grounds of the sites visited. At our next meeting, he will take us on a casual tour through these photographs of the gardens and plantings of about 15 or so of these places. So join us October 25th as we take a glimpse at English gardening.”

Note different locationSt. Andrews Lutheran Church — Northeast corner of Geneva Rd and Prince Crossing

Meeting Time:

         6:45PM Refreshments

         7:00PM Business Meeting

         7:15PM Program


Oct 17 2018

October 18 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

By Tom Fessler

October again, and all the plants we have babied all Summer long, will soon be dead. I really kind of hate to see this happen but I know that most, if not all, will return next year.

The Kruse House has had a major clean up this Summer, which may not be as noticeable at first look. The area on the East side of the property, along the fence by the shopping center, has been totally cleaned up. All the debris has been removed, the bushes have been trimmed, and mulch has been placed on the ground to keep the weeds down. This was a big project, along with all the other things that go on here. Thanks to all the volunteers who pitched in with their help. This area now looks just great.

I don’t want you to think that I do not like October, because I do. Halloween is my second favorite holiday, (Christmas being the first). I have always liked Halloween since I was a kid. In the 50’s Halloween was quite different than it is today. We were allowed to Trick-or-Treat alone. No parents, no big brothers, just me and my friends. We accepted candy from anybody who would give it to us, and a lot of our loot was unwrapped. This is not to mention apples, popcorn balls, or popcorn.

But I have to say that the one thing I really didn’t like were Brach’s Mellowcream Pumpkins. It was the worst Halloween candy of all time. It is everything people hate about candy corn just more of it. The Mellowcream Pumpkin is not a pumpkin at all, it is just the evolution of candy corn, which was invented in the 1880’s. The Mellowcream Pumpkin was originally called “Buttercream Pumpkins” despite a lack of butter or cream in them. Bite into one of these little pumpkins and you will notice a shell is holding its insides in place: sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, sesame oil, (so the packaging says) real honey. The ingredients also include something called “shellac” to give these little pumpkins a nice shine. All things considered the only useful thing I have found for this candy, after all my years dealing with them, is to throw them. I was hit in the cheek with one of these things and I can tell you it hurt. We used to have pumpkin fights with this candy. If anyone doesn’t believe me about these “Mellowcreams”, just buy yourself a bag and enjoy.

Another candy to stay away from this Halloween is Circus Peanuts. I ate a whole bag of these things once and have never been so sick in my life. Anyway have a great Fall and an even greater Halloween.


Sep 20 2018

September 18 News From Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

Angie in the Kruse Garden

The Kruse Garden just won’t be the same without Angie Sadauskas. Angie and her husband, Ziggy, are moving to Washington Twp. Michigan and will be minutes away from their daughter, son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren.

Angie’s membership in our Garden Club predates the majority of current members. About 22 years ago, Angie initiated the weekly-gardening project at the Kruse Garden. She committed countless hours developing and maintaining a beautiful garden and growing dear friendships. “Angie’s Bed” in the center of the garden under the giant pine shows her design expertise and use of color and texture.

Thousands of plants were transplanted over the years from Angie’s own yard to Kruse and for the club’s plant sales. She volunteered at potting parties, digging parties, programs and all aspects of the plant sales.

Angie served on the WCGC’s Board of Directors in many capacities including Hospitality, Membership, Treasurer, Historian and Kruse Garden Representative. She is fondly called the “Sunshine Lady” and has brought an insightful perspective to the club. We wish her well in her new home and want her to know she will be greatly missed.

Thank you Angie for being such a huge part of the Garden Club.

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