Mar 20 2019

March 2019 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

By Barbara Darrah

I looked out the window this morning and saw an exquisite winter landscape.  There was a new skim of snow over the old which reflected a bright blue sun filled  sky .   It is early in March and the latest polar vortex has our temperatures plunging and I am thinking of spring.  Why?  Because I know that under that dead -looking  landscape,  life is stirring.  Microorganisms  are busily enriching the soil.  Roots  are writhing and bulbs and corms are sleepily starting to move.

Also, I was at last week’s garden club meeting and felt the fervor starting to build in me to get out there, begin planting and enjoy the “Simple Pleasures”  of the garden.

This is the time when I ‘m grateful that I live in the Midwest.  I have had time to rest and regenerate my gardening genes (and jeans) and am itching to get started.

Dick and I visit other gardens during the summer and get ideas for “next year” but we often forget over the winter.  Nina Koziol’s  pictures reminded us of the glorious  Cocoa Bean  plants we saw at Cantigny .  We also discussed putting some blue flowers over by the bee hive.   We are thinking about more Japanese Forest Grass – much more.  Out come the seed catalogues and here go our imaginations again.

Finally, I am going to make more efforts to stop weeding, sit back and enjoy  the view – not only in our own garden but at Kruse House as well.  We have convenient  benches there and you might enjoy stopping in as well,  especially this summer  when the butterfly art appears.  Ours is almost done and we have had lots of fun planning and putting it  together .  I read that butterflies might have originally been called flutter-bys and over time the initial letters  were reversed.  I love the image of them fluttering by.

With this image in mind,  I hope that by the time you read this,  I can truthfully wish all of  you a Happy Spring.


Mar 20 2019

Scholarship Deadline April 15th

Filed under Uncategorized

We are proud to announce that our West Chicago Garden
Club is now sponsoring a $500 scholarship for students, who reside in West Chicago, attend either West Chicago High School or St. Charles East High School and are pursuing a major in environmental fields of study, such as: Agronomy/agriculture, botany, conservation, environmental concerns, forestry, horticulture or landscape design/architecture.  The application form can be found near the center of our home page under the “Forms” heading.

Feb 19 2019

February 28th Program

Filed under Meetings

Simple Pleasures–Inspiration for Gardeners

Winter is the calm before the storm—the hectic spring clean up when all hands are on deck in the garden. Spring is several weeks away, so join Nina Koziol as she takes you on an inspirational tour filled with ideas to help you get more from your garden this year. You can see some of her own garden at

Nina Koziol has taught garden design and horticulture classes at the Chicago Botanic Garden and the Morton Arboretum since 1998. She was a long-time contributor to the Chicago Tribune. She writes for the Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicagoland Gardening magazine and The Landscape Contractor magazine. When she’s not weeding, reading, fishing, hiking, bird watching or writing, she’s sure to be in her garden, watching the sun set and debating with her husband over the exact names and heights of the cloud formations.  Her website is aimed at new and experienced gardeners, those who enjoy fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, and those who simply like to observe and reflect on nature. 

Join us on January 24th at our NEW LOCATION

St. Andrews Lutheran Church — Northeast corner of Geneva Rd and Prince Crossing

Meeting Time:

         6:45PM Refreshments

         7:00PM Business Meeting

         7:15PM Program

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