Nov 14 2019

November 2019 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

by Billie Childress

2019 Volunteers (Billie is taking the photo)

We’re at the end of the year and what a year it was!

I do not exaggerate when I say the Garden was the “best ever”.

Many things coalesced to bring that to fruition, but the most important factor by far, was these skilled and dedicated gardeners! These folks put in a lot of hours creating and maintaining the garden and they must be recognized as the bedrock to our success. Many thanks to Kerry, Shirley, Jan, Barbara, Chris, and Keith! You are the BEST!

We planted 200 of these tulip bulbs in the garden this fall. I think they will be a delight to behold next Spring! That may sound like a lot of work but it went pretty quickly. We put 5 bulbs in a hole and found places where we could put in three (sometimes five) holes together. We sent for the bulbs from John Scheepers. They were really nice big bulbs! I liked them so much I put in 200 at my house too!

Thanks to Barb Bizzarri for donating this nice bench to the Garden! It’s not unusual to see visitors sitting there when I go at random times during the week to feed the kitties. It’s a great addition to our garden!

Speaking of VISITORS….I wish I had a count, but I’m confident that we had more visitors in the garden this year than any other since the club took on the Garden as our Community Service project twenty years ago! And that increase in visitors was largely due to the spectacular garden art on display this year! Lots of people came to see the artful butterflies our members created, and enjoyed the garden while they were there. We hope they were all inspired to do some gardening of their own after their visit. Many thanks to Janine, Pauline, Marcy, Jodi, Dick, Barbara, Pamela, Jan, Jean Ann, Tom, Barb B, Barb M, Ruth, Kurt, and Kerry for the your artful creations! They were “frosting on the cake”!

Oct 17 2019

October 24 Meeting

Filed under Meetings

Let It Rot & Putting the Garden to Bed presented by Bill Kargas

This is one meeting that no one should miss! Instead of one presentation on one topic, we will have two separate presentations on two different topics! Bill Kargas, famous speaker and presenter from Villa Park will give us a presentation on Practical Composting called “LET IT ROT”. This program addresses all aspects of composting, emphasizing the easiest ways to convert yard waste into a rich soil amendment.

Bills second presentation will be “Putting the Garden to Bed” and everything you need to know how to prepare your perennial garden
for winter: what to cut, when to mulch and fertilize, and how to prevent this year’s problems from returning next year. Bill has been working in the gardening arena most of his life and currently is employed at
Pioneer Gardening and Feed in Villa Park. Bill is a hands on presenter and will bring samples of things that he will address in his talk.

Sep 17 2019

September 2019 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

By Keith Letsche

Seared yellow leaves beginning to accumulate along the edges of driveways and flower beds, nights in the lower 60s and 50s—tell-tale signs that fall will be here shortly and with it, the end of the 2019 growing season. For the Kruse House garden, September is the “last hurrah,” but this year, what a great hurrah it is. With above average rainfall and slightly cooler temperatures this summer, the garden still looks much as it did at its height in July and early August, save for a few withered stalks and heads among the cone flowers and rudbeckia. And with the Kruse House crew working diligently virtually every Wednesday this year, the garden is immaculately groomed.
In the front of the house, the zinnias, and salvia are still redolent with mid-summer orange and crimson. In the urns, light green potato vine and dark-leaved red begonias tumble profusely over the sides, and even the johnny jump-ups, a spring flower, are still lush.
In the back yard the tall phlox, that quintessential summer flower, continues its reign, along with the yellow heliopsis (false sunflower) and the unreal-looking moon flowers.

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