Mar 20 2020

March 2020 Meeting Canceled

Filed under Meetings,Plant Sale

A message from the West Chicago Garden Club President:

As I sit in my office and write this article, I can’t help but think about all the things that have changed since my last message one month ago.  As I am sure every one of you knows, the COVID-19 pandemic has led the Garden Club board to make some hard, disappointing decisions.  Our general meeting and speaker for March has been cancelled. The 2020 plant sale has also been cancelled, although we still plan on having an informational booth at Bloomingfest assuming that it is not cancelled by the City. Our general meeting for April is still planned, but may need to be cancelled.  However, as a club, our finances are in great shape and as an organization we can wait this out.  We are not giving up and expect to be back to our, perhaps slightly modified, normal routine (involving a lot more hand sanitizer) at some point in the near future.

Personally, the advent of Spring has helped provide some encouragement.  Many studies have noted that gardening generally improves mood, enhances emotional well-being, reduces anxiety and stress, and helps reduce the symptoms of depression.  In a world filled with bad news, I can still make big plans for my yard and dream about all of the quality garden time I will soon be able to enjoy.  If the weather continues to cooperate (please, please, please), I plan on spending a lot of my time socializing with the squirrels, birds and insects in my own yard and catching up on projects that I have been putting off for way too long.  I also plan on listening to a few books, taking a few naps and just sitting quietly out in my yard.

The future is much more pleasant and manageable when focused on the bright possibilities that Spring and Summer bring to our yards and gardens.  I plan on taking advantage of this fact over the next few months. I encourage you to do the same.

Stay well. Stay safe.


Mar 20 2020

March 2020 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

Johnny Jump-up, first bloom of Spring

It’s only March 1st, and the official start of spring still three weeks away, but Spring has already sprung in the Kruse House garden. With the mild winter, some warm days, and plenty of precipitation, Mother Nature is not bothering to wait for the equinox, but is already pushing tender shoots above the soil.

In the front flower bed immediately to the east of the house, clusters of daffodil spears are debuting, as are the solitary heads of hyacinths in the beds around the sides. Brushing away the cover of leaves in many places reveals profusions of tiny green and silvery-white leaves of lamium. The vinca vine, which never loses its leaves in the winter, already has its summery dark green. Even the first bloom of 2020 has appeared–a small blossom on a Johnny Jump-up that survived winter in one of the front urns!

Nature’s early start has meant that the Kruse House gardeners have already begun their work. On March 3rd Billie, Kerry, and Linas spent a good part of the day cutting away the dead lilac branches. Projects for the year include repairing and painting the back fence, planting a new tree in the front, and adding several structural plantings to the beds. If you want to join the Kruse House crew this year, regular work days are Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon, though adjustable to fit your schedule. Work days at the house will start April 1, 2020. Contact Billie Childress or Kerry Perry or email and the message will be forwarded to both of them.

Feb 20 2020

February 27th Meeting

Filed under Meetings

Organic Gardening presented by Glenn Grosch

Organic appears to be the new paradigm in home gardening. While it’s popularity continues to grow, there is as much fact as fiction both on the benefit, as well as, the methods of organic gardening. This presentation will discuss organic gardening from an unbiased perspective starting from the premise that it does have significant value. Considerable time will be spent on a discussion of how to implement an organic approach both in the areas of plant nutrition and pest control. The concept of “integrated pest management” will be introduced and explored. Finally, we will discuss a new gardening approach simply called “Smart Gardening”.

Glenn Grosch is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in Agronomy. In addition he has associate degrees from Harper College in
Plant Science Technology and Parks & Grounds Management. He has been
certified as a Master Gardener and has been an instructor in the University of Illinois Master Gardener Continuing Education Program. In addition, Glenn has been recognized by the ISA as a “Certified Arborist”. He currently is on the teaching staff at the Chicago Botanic Garden and has been in that position since 1997. Since 1998 Glenn has been offering programs and presentations to over 150 garden clubs. His personal garden featuring an extensive hydrangea collection, an orchard and a large vegetable garden has been featured in the press on numerous occasions.

Guests are welcome to come to a meeting and see if they are interested in our club. Our dues are very reasonable: only $15 for an individual or $25 for a family of two. Come join us on January 23 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church (corner for Geneva Road and Prince Crossing Road).

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