Jul 21 2022

News from Kruse: July 2022

Filed under Kruse House

Now that’s CURB APPEAL !!!  – by Billie Childress

I believe we all pay special attention to our front door gardens and it’s no different at the Kruse House Museum Gardens. The plants we use to achieve our eye catching displays are mostly limited to donated annuals and some years the concoctions …..oh excuse me…..I mean our carefully designed plantings…..are better than others. This is a good year!

The red velvet tidal wave petunias are gigantic and beautiful. The red salvia and the colorful snapdragons round out the lineup. All planted by Shirley Schramer and Dorothy O’Connor on a Wednesday morning which seems so long ago now. In early Spring we have such faith in those tiny plants we put in the ground. Months later it’s a big payoff! ….sometimes anyway!

The Kruse Garden is located
at 527 Main Street,
West Chicago, IL 60185

Save the Date: The Historical Society’s Ice Cream Social will be held in the Kruse Garden on September 10th. The house will also be open for tours.

Jun 16 2022

June 23rd Meeting: Billie’s Garden Tour

Filed under Meetings

I am so pleased that y’all are coming to visit my garden on Thursday, June 23. The garden will be open starting at 5:30. Come anytime that works for you. I will take small groups of ten or less on half-hour tours beginning at 6:00. However, you are totally welcome to explore on your own. Wear your comfortable garden shoes so you can check it all out. There are garden beds and wooded areas. The north woods are the most developed with multiple native trees, a grove of witch hazels, and paths added. And the honeybee hives are up there too. The central woods are basically a walk through path with most of the invasive stuff removed and the south woods are much the same. However, there is an unusual tree you should see in the south woods. And by the way…..bring a friend or neighbor if you’d like. 

There will be a variety of appetizers, sweets, and drinks and ample seating on the back patio. Please sit back and enjoy a lovely summer evening socializing and relaxing with members and friends.

Hopefully, we won’t need it, but in case of rain, we will reschedule to Thursday, June 30.

Members can find more information in their newsletter.  If you wish to attend and are not yet a member, please email us at WestChicagoGardenClub@gmail.com for more information.

Jun 16 2022

News from Kruse: June 2022

Filed under Kruse House

Here’s some of what’s blooming today in the Kruse Garden. Come and enjoy.


The Kruse Garden is located at 527 Main Street, West Chicago, IL 60185

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