Nov 10 2022

News from Kruse: November 2022

Filed under Kruse House

By Keith Letsche

There’s an old adage about missing the forest for the trees. The same might be said about a garden, that we often miss the trees over our enthusiasm for the blooms. Most of the news about the Kruse House garden in this column is about its flowering plants–the patches of daffodils, tulips, and irises in the spring, the summer lilies and rudbeckia, the moon flowers at the end of summer, start of fall.

But the trees of Kruse make an important contribution to the garden, too. They provide a background setting for the flower beds and punctuate visual beginnings, middles, and ends within them. They create dappled or shady environments that allow for more varied floral plantings and different moods. And, in some cases, they are just simply beautiful or intriguing in themselves .

Perhaps the loveliest of the trees on the Kruse property, one that immediately brings to mind Joyce Kilmer’s poem, is the American Linden on the east side with its elegantly tapering canopy. Very different is the Weeping Spruce next to the lily pool, which looks like a piece of modern sculpture. Some trees are also living remnants of the garden’s past. The huge maple in the center, with the benches around its trunk that invite you to come and sit under it, and perhaps even the towering pine on the west side of the shed, were there when Celia Kruse tended the garden.

This past year, the garden’s arbor scape got a boost from the Kruse House Gardeners with the planting of several new trees and bushes. Among them was an exquisite Cornelian Cherry Dogwood that was planted at the east of the new side yard flower bed.

So next year when you come out to the Kruse House garden, don’t just stop to smell the flowers. Take a peek at the trees too.

Oct 19 2022

News from Kruse: October 2022

Filed under Kruse House

Autumn has definitely arrived. Dick and I were in Wisconsin at the beginning of the month. The colors were riotous, a mix of red, orange, and yellow amid the green of the pines, all gloriously reflected in the blue of the lake.

What a disappointment to come back to our Illinois oaks. But then, thanks to us gardeners, all of our colorful plantings started to turn their leaves. The sugar maples, Virginia creeper, hawthorns, serviceberries and others, along with our native walnuts and hickories are all adding their highlights to the brown oaks.

Kruse Garden is also changing. As it starts to shut down for the season, we are busy cutting back while being careful to leave enough for any wildlife to over-winter in. Some of the hardier flowers – the marigolds, begonias and sedums are still blooming, but they probably won’t last much longer. So, like the poet Robert Frost “I am done with apple picking now” and welcome the “essence of winter sleep“. It’s time to plant those last few bulbs, turn the compost heap, and wait longingly for the far-distant spring.

Sep 15 2022

Pot Drop-off and Barn Clean-up

Filed under Uncategorized

THIS Saturday, September 17th, 9:00AM—Noon

We will be out at the barn on Saturday, September 17th starting at 9:00am. The plan is to be available for members to drop off pots they want to donate. We will use the time while we are there to organize/sort the pots that we have there and the ones that are dropped off so everything is ready for next year.

Our biggest need is for 4” pots that we use for small plants and vegetables and for the standard gallon pots. Trays for both are also great. Ideally, we prefer pots that don’t have names/advertising printed on them, but we will take those. It would help, if you have the chance, to use a large sharpie to cross out whatever is printed on the pot and remove/cross out any labels on the pot.

Volunteers who would be able to work with us that morning and organize the pots at the barn would be deeply appreciated.

“The Barn” belongs to the West Chicago Park District and they kindly allow us to store our plant sale items there. It is located at 30W150 Wilson Rd, West Chicago, IL 60185 at the Kress Creek Park. The park entrance is at Joliet St and Wilson Rd.

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