Feb 16 2023

February 23rd Meeting: A to Z vegetables – Asparagus to Zucchini and Everything in Between

Filed under Meetings

Our February speaker will be Bill Karges. Bill will cover all the basics as well as the details of growing successful vegetables such as:  soil preparation, sunlight requirements, garden layouts, fertilization,  planting dates, insect and disease control, much more and everything in between.

Bill worked for Pioneer Garden and Feed for close to fifty years until it closed in August 2022.  He was manager, chief botanist, and all around dispenser of relevant gardening advice.  We enjoyed his presentation on “Composting and Putting your Garden to Bed“ in October 2019 so much and are pleased to have him return.

Meeting Location: St Andrew Lutheran Church NE Corner of Prince Crossing & Geneva Road.

Meeting Time: 6:45PM Refreshments – 7:00PM Business Meeting – 7:15PM Program

Feb 16 2023

News from Kruse: February 2023

Filed under Kruse House

Anticipation by Kerry Perry

“Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle … a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl.  And the anticipation nurtures our dream.” –  Barbara Winkler

It’s February and things are awakening in the Kruse garden. Buds are appearing on the Cornelia Cherry  Dogwood, Lilac, Dawn Redwood and Viburnum.

Get your gardening gloves and tools ready for spring cleanup.  Please join us for fun, learning and  comradery.

Jan 24 2023

January 26th Meeting: Landscaping with Native Plants

Filed under Meetings

Photograph of Eileen DavisOur January speaker will be Eileen Davis, Environmental Educator, Lake County Forest Preserves. Her program will be “Landscaping with Native Plants”. No matter what style of garden is your favorite you can  create it or enhance it using native plants.  Discover the benefits of designing native habitats such as  butterfly gardens and rain gardens.  Native plant selection and identification, habitat requirements, and maintenance will be discussed.

Meeting Location: St Andrew Lutheran Church NE Corner of Prince Crossing & Geneva Road.

Meeting Time: 6:45PM Refreshments – 7:00PM Business Meeting – 7:15PM Program

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