Aug 20 2009

News from Kruse
– by Angie & Billie

Posted at 7:59 pm under Kruse House

Great Open Garden Party! A crowd of nearly 200 were delighted by the numerous attractions the event offered! It was a huge success and we want to say thanks to those who contributed to make our celebration in the garden fun! Heartfelt thanks to:

  • Rosemary & Krista from the City’s Administrative Services for getting the ‘word out’
  • Stan the ‘sign man’ for the great signs….gratis
  • Tom, Angie, & Billie for prepping the gardens and demonstrating the crafts
  • The Historical Society for setting up tables/chairs and providing house tours
  • Garden club members for the baked goodies
  • Carole & Linda for greeting guests
  • Bonnie, Shirley, & Chris for serving
  • To all our guests for showing up and having fun

If we have inadvertently failed to mention your contribution, our sincere apologies! And please give us a nudge to let us know.Now, it seems time to kick back and relax! Well, not really. The gardens need to hold up through the Historical Society ‘Ice Cream Social and Silent Auction’ to be held September 12th, 12-3 PM. Here’s another chance to enjoy the Kruse House and Garden and support the Historical Society. And, I believe, it’s a great excuse to have a yummy slice of cake or pie with ice cream for lunch! Tickets are $3.50 and include the chance to win a raffle item, bid on silent auction items and have your child participate in a cake walk. If you have anything to donate to the raffle/auction call Lance/Joan Conkright 630-231-2329. At this party you will find Angie, Tom and Billie holding down chairs, visiting with friends, and making new acquaintances! Suits us! We love that garden and couldn’t be happier than when folks are spending time there!

Of course, we are starting to plan for ‘next year’ in the garden. The ‘Garden Club sponsored Garden Walk’ will include the Kruse Garden. Yikes! Is there any end to all these events?!!! Just kidding….as I said earlier, we love ‘em! But, you can imagine there is a bit of pressure when gardeners enmasse, come, seeking pleasure and enlightenment from your garden! They will not be disappointed! If any of you have suggestions for improvements in the garden we would love to incorporate your ideas. Without the interest and support of garden club members we could not accomplish our work! We appreciate your input. We would love to hear from you!

As always, we look forward to visiting (and working) with you in the garden!

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