Jul 21 2009

News from Kruse
– by Angie & Billie

Posted at 7:03 am under Kruse House

This month it’s all about the Party.  Sunday August 2nd from 1-4 we are having a party at the Kruse House and Garden. What a great opportunity to bring friends, family, and neighbors to enjoy a fabulous garden. While you’re there you’ll want to tour the house and enjoy the special display of unique and old time pieces… AND we will have stations set up in the garden to demonstrate how to make a hypertuffa trough or a mosaic bowling ball, or how to paint a ‘concrete’ leaf. Of course, you may just want to sit in the shade and savor some home baked treats and sip a cool drink while you visit with some real nice folks! Now that sounds like a plan! Just a reminder to all who volunteered to bring treats… we are counting on you. The weather could be hot, so something that doesn’t melt would be great! There is no need to have the treats there at a special time, just bring them along when you come. You all make sure and come… we want to show you a good time in one of West Chicago’s oldest gardens! We’re pretty sure Celia would be pleased for us to gather at ‘her place’ for some summer fun! 

Traditionally the water irrigation system at the Kruse Garden has been hooked up the last part of May. Since it’s rained so much this year we did it the first week in July! Dan and Pamela are the key players in this effort. Angie and Billie have watched and listened but sadly, little is retained from year to year!  A year is a long time you know! We thank Dan and Pamela for continuing to support this essential element of the garden. The garden has grown since the system was installed. We had to elevate most of the sprinkler heads to get them in a functional position. It’s a clear mark the garden has and continues to mature. 

You’re anxious to hear about the plants right? Well, July is the month to showcase ‘true’ lilies.  There are plenty of supporting players… the bright white petals with glow yellow centers of feverfew, the golden coreopsis, and the perennial garden favorite Purple Coneflower to name just a few, but surely, the Asiatic and Oriental Lilies are in the lead role. Stunning flowers and fragrance leaves nothing wanting! The butterflies and dragon flies zoomed in for a close look and provided the ‘cherry’ for the top of the blooming ‘sundae’. The lily colors range from creamy white to clear pink and on to a deep rose. It’s a fleeting pleasure, but one not soon forgotten! 

Signing off this month with ‘see you in the garden’ we emphasize, that we really mean it! See you Sunday August 2nd for a lazy, hazy, (maybe crazy) afternoon in the fabulous Kruse Garden!

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