Apr 21 2022

News from Kruse: April 2022

Posted at 11:54 am under Kruse House

cream colored hellebores It’s early April at the Kruse Garden and the anticipation is immense to see winter wither away and new growth emerge. Already, the cream colored hellebores planted last fall are in bloom and the Gentian-blue flowers commonly known as Glory of the Snow are showing their bright color.

The red eyes of the peony in the front yard are peeking out and in early June will be spectacular. Soon the white bearded irises will be four feet tall with gigantic blooms. Rudbeckia (sunny yellow flowers) are  pushing out tiny green leaves among last years dried stalks. This summer the plants will be nearly six feet tall. Aah the anticipation.

The variety of plants in the Kruse Garden is impressive. Visit any time and let the Kruse Crew know if and when you’d like to help! Come plant, prune, weed and perhaps pick up some gardening tips.

The Kruse Garden is located at 527 Main Street, West Chicago, IL 60185

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