Mar 20 2020

March 2020 News from Kruse

Posted at 11:56 am under Kruse House

Johnny Jump-up, first bloom of Spring

It’s only March 1st, and the official start of spring still three weeks away, but Spring has already sprung in the Kruse House garden. With the mild winter, some warm days, and plenty of precipitation, Mother Nature is not bothering to wait for the equinox, but is already pushing tender shoots above the soil.

In the front flower bed immediately to the east of the house, clusters of daffodil spears are debuting, as are the solitary heads of hyacinths in the beds around the sides. Brushing away the cover of leaves in many places reveals profusions of tiny green and silvery-white leaves of lamium. The vinca vine, which never loses its leaves in the winter, already has its summery dark green. Even the first bloom of 2020 has appeared–a small blossom on a Johnny Jump-up that survived winter in one of the front urns!

Nature’s early start has meant that the Kruse House gardeners have already begun their work. On March 3rd Billie, Kerry, and Linas spent a good part of the day cutting away the dead lilac branches. Projects for the year include repairing and painting the back fence, planting a new tree in the front, and adding several structural plantings to the beds. If you want to join the Kruse House crew this year, regular work days are Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon, though adjustable to fit your schedule. Work days at the house will start April 1, 2020. Contact Billie Childress or Kerry Perry or email and the message will be forwarded to both of them.

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