Archive for the 'Kruse House' Category

Jul 18 2018

July 18 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

By Billie Childress

Wind: Sizable limbs down at the Kruse Garden. The big oak near the east front of the Kruse House lost a BIG branch June 30. It broke clean off the tree and was found on the ground. It took the tops of two pagoda dogwoods out, but fortunately no injury or major damage. Wind was a factor but the tree also appears unhealthy. Soft wood and fungus at the break spot indicate a questionable future for that tree.

The second incident, about a week later, draped a large limb over the back garden. This limb remained connected by a thread, making it challenging to deal with. If we pulled the end of the branch that was sitting on the garden it was likely to crash down on our bird house trellis structure.

In both cases Mike Pineda, Wheaton Tree Service, (Mike is also a new GC member) kindly took care of the limbs. Thanks Mike!

Weeds: Too many! The generous Spring rains germinated tons of weeds and while weeding, rates pretty high on my list of garden tasks, it’s been a bit overwhelming! And missing a workday because July 4th fell on a Wednesday didn’t help either. However, we’ve gone after those weeds with a passion and are quite pleased with our progress. Don’t hesitate to stop by and pull some weeds anytime. We saved a few just for you!

Hot and Dry: “It’s July.” you say, “What do you expect?” I expect mild temperatures, low humidity, and frequent gentle rain. Oh that’s right. That was that other state (Utopia). Well it’s been tough on the plants this month and no end in sight! The recently transplanted Ninebark shrub is struggling. I’m not happy with myself for not getting over there to water it.

Above and Beyond: That would describe Kerry Perry. She stops by the Kruse Garden more than any of us and waters, weeds, and fixes on her own! Thanks Kerry! You are a gem!

Bright Spot: The zinnias that Jeff Handel grew from seed are attention grabbing vibrant colors. Planted right behind the garage, they are a pleasing sight when you drive up. Thanks again Jeff!

Salutation: While July may not have provided the best working conditions in the garden, the pleasure of laboring toward a common cause with gardening friends …….priceless!

Kudos to the Kruse Gardeners!

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Jun 20 2018

June 2018 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

It’s June and the Kruse House Garden is at its peak of splendor. Credit goes to good old Mother Nature, but more importantly to the many Club members who have generously devoted many volunteer hours tending the garden and to those who have donated spectacular plants.

Recently Jan Grismore contributed a Beauty Berry Shrub which has settled in nicely. She and Angie Sadauskas brought Monarda and Shasta Daisies from their yards. Angie also transported giant, lime green hosta to fill in the island bed along the driveway.

Jean Ann Saarnio brought several large flats of White Bleeding Heart. To encourage energy to go to the roots, we cut the leaves back to about six inches. What a unique and elegant addition.

Jeff Handle contributed Zinnias that he nurtured from seeds. Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family. Did you know Zinnias are edible?

Billie Childress dug out a huge Ninebark from her garden. She planted it on the 

back hill to replace a dogwood that was struggling under the black walnut trees. Billie‘s research found that Ninebarks do well in proximity to black walnut trees. Before placing the shrub in the ground, she added  Mycorrhizae, a beneficial fungi that increases root surface area.

Lorraine Biang, a former club member, donated tall Bearded Iris many years ago. They are thriving and their rich purple color is impressive.

The stunning stand of Fleece Flower (Persicaria), donated by Sandy Saad, is next to the pond and in front of the stone garden wall that Pam Lurz and her husband rebuilt several years ago.

Chuck and Shirley Schramer gave us the Ginkgo tree that graces the garden. Behind it you can see the sensational William Baffin rose and Rosa Glauca rose. Absolutely stunning!

Come and enjoy the beauty of the Kruse Garden.

Kerry Perry

To see more photos, visit our Facebook page

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May 20 2018

Succulent Planter Workshop at Kruse House

Filed under Kruse House,Meetings

Have you noticed every plant store is carrying succulent gardens?

We will supply everything (plants, stones, shells, wood chips and soil) except your planter/container and any special items like fairies or little statues.

Since we need to make sure we have enough plants, stones, shells, rocks, dirt etc….we ask that everyone RSVP…so far we have 28 members that signed up.  If you are attending and did not RSVP yet, please email Barb Melville or call 630-293-4776 and leave a message.

Please bring your own lawn chair (if you have one).  If the weather does not permit us to be outside we will have this meeting at our usual location Faith Community Church, 910 Main Street.

Example of a Succulent planter

Our own garden club member, Marcie, has graciously agreed to facilitate this class.  Marcie has years of experience working with plants and gardens and has been conducting classes and training in this field.

Marcie’s Tips For A Succulent Garden:

  • The container should be at least 2″ deep
  • The container should be large enough for 3 small plants, stones, shells, or other decorative items
  • If the container is to be outside it should have adequate drainage holes
  • MAKE IT YOUR OWN! you can find miniature statues, angels, fairies in just about all plant stores

The West Chicago High School Orchestra will provide our club with a group of string musicians for our enjoyment

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