Archive for the 'Kruse House' Category

Mar 20 2019

March 2019 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

By Barbara Darrah

I looked out the window this morning and saw an exquisite winter landscape.  There was a new skim of snow over the old which reflected a bright blue sun filled  sky .   It is early in March and the latest polar vortex has our temperatures plunging and I am thinking of spring.  Why?  Because I know that under that dead -looking  landscape,  life is stirring.  Microorganisms  are busily enriching the soil.  Roots  are writhing and bulbs and corms are sleepily starting to move.

Also, I was at last week’s garden club meeting and felt the fervor starting to build in me to get out there, begin planting and enjoy the “Simple Pleasures”  of the garden.

This is the time when I ‘m grateful that I live in the Midwest.  I have had time to rest and regenerate my gardening genes (and jeans) and am itching to get started.

Dick and I visit other gardens during the summer and get ideas for “next year” but we often forget over the winter.  Nina Koziol’s  pictures reminded us of the glorious  Cocoa Bean  plants we saw at Cantigny .  We also discussed putting some blue flowers over by the bee hive.   We are thinking about more Japanese Forest Grass – much more.  Out come the seed catalogues and here go our imaginations again.

Finally, I am going to make more efforts to stop weeding, sit back and enjoy  the view – not only in our own garden but at Kruse House as well.  We have convenient  benches there and you might enjoy stopping in as well,  especially this summer  when the butterfly art appears.  Ours is almost done and we have had lots of fun planning and putting it  together .  I read that butterflies might have originally been called flutter-bys and over time the initial letters  were reversed.  I love the image of them fluttering by.

With this image in mind,  I hope that by the time you read this,  I can truthfully wish all of  you a Happy Spring.


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Feb 19 2019

February 2019 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

By Kerry Perry

Every week I make a short visit to the Kruse House Garden to see what’s happening. All the bright colors are absent, but it’s still beautiful.

In winter you can see the bone structure of the yard. There’s a sharp contrast of the dark of the tree trunks and branches against the white snow and blue sky. The fading sunlight leaves interesting shadows.

The heavy snows leave a seamless layer of clean, white quietness. Under that blanket are many perennials that will wake up soon and show their splendor.

The Kruse Gardeners are already thinking about spring and wanting to get our hands dirty. Look back at the January Newsletter for our To Do and Wish List. One of our long-time members has graciously offered to donate bushes for the side yard and to join the crew. Any help, whether it’s pulling weeds, spreading mulch or trimming back plants will be greatly appreciated.

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Jan 15 2019

January 2019 News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

The gardeners gathered at Kerry’s house for a nice lunch in December. We had been missing each other since we closed down the garden in October.  Besides enjoying catching up with each other we had a meeting of the minds and put together a “to do” list for the Kruse Garden. And here it is!

  • Cleanup fallen limbs in back garden.
  • Replace log-and-plank benches on N.W. side of property.
  • Plant three shrubs to place on the east side.
  • Saturday Club clean-up work group in the spring.
  • Add rock border around front east bed.
  • Two replacement trellises for those in back.
  • Refurbish and place Barb Bizzarri’s bench.
  • Promote Butterfly 🦋 Project. (See January Newsletter)
  • Recruit additional Kruse House Crew members.
  • Continue News from Kruse.

We need to replace 2 trellises that bit the dust last year.  They each need to be substantial and good size since they both support vigorous clematis.  Does anyone have one they could donate?  Let Billie know if you do.

Also, if you have and rocks or bricks we really need them if you’re willing to donate.  We have numerous places to use them!  Again, let Billie know.  She’d probably come and pick them up.


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