Mar 14 2012
News from Kruse
Angie & Billie
“Here I come, ready or not”. No, it’s not kids at play…it’s the plants as they burst forth with the warm temperatures! Spring cleanup has begun and we realize that plants aren’t the only thing dormant over winter. The muscles (oh my back) and memory (what did we plant there?) also need to reawaken. Votavas Lawn Care can’t come until April because the refuse dump places don’t open before then but April 2nd (weather permitting) we are on schedule.
Of course, the pervasive Grape Hyacinths standout this time of year and the Ghost Lilies are thick bundles of strappy green foliage. As we inspect and stroll, great plans are made. Mrs. CW Earle 1897 pointed out in Pot-Pourri from a Surrey Garden “Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination”. We love to exercise the imagination!
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