May 18 2010

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Posted at 8:39 pm under Kruse House

The Kruzies have been crazy busy with the plant sale but somehow we still found time to tend the Kruse Garden.  Just a reminder, we are there routinely on Monday mornings and you are fondly invited to join us if you can.  If the weather is ‘iffy’ give one of us a call to make sure what our plans are.  There are always fun jobs to do and the satisfaction of results will guarantee you’ll leave with a smile on your face and a song in your heart! 

Have you heard the good news?  Kruse House Museum & Garden was featured in the May/June issue of Chicagoland Gardening Magazine!  You will find the article on page 14 as the first of the Regional Reports. If you don’t subscribe, stop by the library and check it out.  Author Betty Earl, writer, photographer, and lecturer from Naperville did a great job of informing readers about the extensive garden and West Chicago Garden Club’s role over the past 11 years tending this charming garden.  It’s an honor to have recognition for our project and the Kruzies are even more enthused about making a beautiful garden! From the get go we have been preparing for the August 1st garden party/open house. I know all our guests will be impressed but don’t wait until then to the stroll through the garden.  It’s absolutely lovely all the time.  There is an iris blooming right now called ‘Best Bet’ …thank you Pauline for donating it.  Drop dead gorgeous!  And… it’s a rebloomer!   The west hill garden is studded with the blood red foliage of the Smoke bushes and the Memorial Day Poppies are (as promised) starting to bloom. Late tulips are still show stoppers and the allium almost demands a salute as it stands tall and brilliant. The blue columbine wave gracefully in the breeze and a favorite sight …a kitty or two poking petite heads through the lambs ear wondering if the gravy train has pulled into the station.   Plan a tour of the house on a fine Saturday.  The docents will be delighted to show off the ‘old tools’ …this year’s featured display.  It’s a fun outing to share with family and friends! Make it a planned destination! 

Until next month… happy gardening.    A&B

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