Jun 20 2018
June 2018 News from Kruse
It’s June and the Kruse House Garden is at its peak of splendor. Credit goes to good old Mother Nature, but more importantly to the many Club members who have generously devoted many volunteer hours tending the garden and to those who have donated spectacular plants.
Recently Jan Grismore contributed a Beauty Berry Shrub which has settled in nicely. She and Angie Sadauskas brought Monarda and Shasta Daisies from their yards. Angie also transported giant, lime green hosta to fill in the island bed along the driveway.
Jean Ann Saarnio brought several large flats of White Bleeding Heart. To encourage energy to go to the roots, we cut the leaves back to about six inches. What a unique and elegant addition.
Jeff Handle contributed Zinnias that he nurtured from seeds. Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family. Did you know Zinnias are edible?
Billie Childress dug out a huge Ninebark from her garden. She planted it on the
back hill to replace a dogwood that was struggling under the black walnut trees. Billie‘s research found that Ninebarks do well in proximity to black walnut trees. Before placing the shrub in the ground, she added Mycorrhizae, a beneficial fungi that increases root surface area.
Lorraine Biang, a former club member, donated tall Bearded Iris many years ago. They are thriving and their rich purple color is impressive.
The stunning stand of Fleece Flower (Persicaria), donated by Sandy Saad, is next to the pond and in front of the stone garden wall that Pam Lurz and her husband rebuilt several years ago.
Chuck and Shirley Schramer gave us the Ginkgo tree that graces the garden. Behind it you can see the sensational William Baffin rose and Rosa Glauca rose. Absolutely stunning!
Come and enjoy the beauty of the Kruse Garden.
Kerry Perry
To see more photos, visit our Facebook page
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