Oct 17 2013

News from Kruse
by Tom Fessler

Posted at 7:23 pm under Kruse House

Work at the Kruse House is almost over for the year but not before a number of things are done. For the last few weeks we have been planting for the coming year. Thanks to Marion, who was kind enough to donate some of her plants to the house.  These plants were planted at various areas, but a good portion were planted on the East side of the property. This is a difficult area as we have planted there before with some problems. The new plants should fit in well.

We presently have a number of Rose of Sharon trees which we planted from seedlings. Several of these trees were dug up and moved into the area near the tool shed. All of these trees had their top and bottom branches removed in order to make them bushier next year. The area of the tool shed also had some major cutting done to the large evergreen bushes located there. This evergreen had become just a bit overgrown and was up against the tool shed itself. We removed a lot of material from the bottom, as well as the top, and it now looks great. This cutting will also allow the plants under it to grown much better as the sun light can finally get to them.

Several of the old sections of wooden fence placed around the garden were starting to look a little ragged. We decided to paint one of them pink a while ago and thought it would look good. We realized the error of our ways and have since panted several of them Sage green. Although the green doesn’t jump out at you, like the Pink did, it looks a lot better. And speaking of things that look better, we would like to again thank Pam and her husband for the outstanding job they did rebuilding the wall around the pond. We have had a number of comments from visitors on how good this wall looks.

Another of the things being done for next year is the collecting of seeds from the Cone flowers, Black Eyed Susan’s, and the old fashion Petunia’s. These seeds will be dried and stored over the winter and planted in the spring.  We always try to look forward and plan just what might look good, and more importantly where it would look good. Over the winter a lot of ideas are acquired from book and magazines. Some of these ideas have been put into place at the Kruse House. One of the things that we would like to plan is the number of members who would be willing to help us. Everyone is welcome, and we promise not to work you too hard. Right Billie and Angie?

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