Archive for November, 2024

Nov 14 2024

News from Kruse: November 2024

Filed under Kruse House

I went over to the Kruse Garden on Sunday, November 3rd to check out the fall colors and I was not disappointed. The berries and the foliage on the Viburnum was beautiful!! Then I noticed the brilliant yellow on the Ginkgo tree with the many leaves gathered at its base. The recently planted Coralberry shrubs were delightful with their little purple berries and pinkish leaves. The Amsonia with its bright yellow foliage lit up the garden. I was surprised the Begonias were still going strong their bright red flowers were a constant all season. Lastly, I loved the Oak Leaf Hydrangea with its leaves of multiple shades of red and burgundy and the dried flowers that reminded me of pinecones. It was a great fall stroll through the Kruse Garden.

November seems to be the perfect time to put the garden to bed and take stock, and plan for next year. I do that at home, and that’s what we did on our last gardening Wednesday. We walked the gardens and discussed, what worked, what needs to be divided, moved, removed, or added. It was fun to have varied ideas and thoughts and opinions. Gardens are a work in progress, looking forward to gardening next year to see the gardens evolve. If you have some free Wednesdays next year, you are always welcome to join the group. You don’t need to commit to every Wednesday. We always welcome an extra pair of hands, bring your gloves and dig in.

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