Archive for March, 2015

Mar 23 2015

News from Kruse

Filed under Kruse House

I had some time on my hands the other day so I decided to stop by the Kruse House to see what Old Man Winter did to the grounds. With the exception of a few downed branches, things looked pretty good. Except for one thing. There was trash all over the place. I then decided to pick up as much of this trash as I could it took me about an hour and a half and I still didn’t get it all. I was somewhat amazed at what I found. Sure there was the usual paper, plastic bags, and candy wrappers, but there were also these things: One Lego man with a yellow hat. One story book, The Three Little Pigs. Two Spanish CD’s. A small red flashlight. Five beer cans, various brands. One empty whiskey bottle, Segram’s. One empty bottle of Rum. One empty bottle of Vodka. One black gym shoe, size 11 ½. One lock. One glove, hole in index finger. One plastic bag containing one rotten apple, some kind of sandwich, and two small Hershey bars.

Now this is quite a collection for only an hour and a half. I put the garbage bag into the trunk of my car, but placed the liquor containers on the floor of the front seat as I intended to recycle these.  As I was driving home I saw a neighbor lady walking home carrying a large bag of groceries. Now being the gentleman that I am, I asked her if she wanted a ride home. She said yes, as her bags were somewhat heavy. She walked over to the passenger’s side of my car and opened the door. I saw her look at the liquor containers on the floor, and then look at me. I didn’t even have a chance to explain. She slammed the door and stormed away.

Well, now that my reputation is ruined, I would just like to say, that no matter what you may hear about this incident, it is not the truth.

When I got home and was taking the liquor containers out of my car, to be recycled, the Mailman walked up my driveway and handed me my mail. He looked at the containers, smiled and shook his head, and walked away. I just can’t win. But on the bright side of things, the Kruse house looks much better.

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