Archive for February, 2011

Feb 12 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Filed under Kruse House

At this point, we can see the end of winter on the horizon.  March 21, the spring equinox, is only about a month away!  The days are noticeably longer and we can look forward to Daylight Savings Time beginning on March 13!  All those piles of snow will be gone before we know it!  Since Ground Hog Day marked a snow storm of record proportions the legend (“no sun, then winters done”) predicts an early spring.  All signs are pointed in the right direction.

February is “Feed the Birds Month”. Hope you’ve all been doing your part. It’s also possible that we could see the first blossoms of the year in February.  Snowdrops are brave souls.  They may not even wait for the snow to melt before poking through.  What a sight for the winter-weary!  The white drop shaped buds look much like an ear drop (old name for earring) and the Latin mane Galanthus means milk white flowers. This small bulb is hardy zone 3-7 and is lovely in mass planting. Continue Reading »

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by Angie & Billie