Mar 07 2011

News from Kruse
by Angie & Billie

Posted at 10:46 pm under Uncategorized

Calendar spring begins March 20.  When spring weather begins is another story.  Usually we have some teaser warm days and then reality check is interjected with some blustery cold wind and maybe some snow.  However, Spring, cannot be denied!  We will soon be reveling in saturated green and brilliant flashes of color. The Grape Hyacinths are first on the scene in the Kruse Garden, popping up lovely displays throughout the gardens.  They are small plants at about 10” but pack a wallop of color!  This minor bulb, Muscari, has been in gardens for centuries.  Its dark green foliage emerges in September when everything else is going to sleep.  The thick grass like leaves elongate early spring and send up stalks topped with clusters (look like beads or grapes) of deep blue flowers.  These unusual flowers hang down like bells and have six fused petals tipped in white. The mild musk like scent often goes unnoticed by humans but the bees don’t miss it!  Bees have hungry larvae to feed well before most flowers are blooming.  This low maintenance long lasting bulb naturalizes readily and thus we are fortunate to enjoy plantings likely originating with the Kruse family.  If you don’t have this bulb in your garden you might want to try some.  You will be rewarded for a life time.  Watch for bulbs at our very own plant sale.  We sometimes unearth a few as spring work in the garden proceeds.

Did someone mention the Plant Sale?  Yes, the plant sale is certainly on the minds and agendas of the Krusies (aka TAB).  We have more cute names for ourselves, than we have time, in the spring when everything needs attention at once.  Therefore; we issue the often repeated pitch for help in the garden.  If you can spare some time we would really appreciate your help.  Please talk to Billie or Angie and we will work out the details.  There are branches and garbage and plant debride to clear.  All fun stuff to do! Please join us!

Being on the verge of spring brings awareness that other things, housecleaning for instance, will soon get short shrift from most gardeners. A gardener may not place high priority to cease and desist dust bunnies anytime of the year but surely not when the garden calls.  One wonders if the ladies of the Kruse House devoted January and February to spring cleaning in preparation for time in the garden. What other ways may have they set the stage for gardening?  Did they sharpen their own pruners and spades? What did they consider the harbingers of spring?   Were they focused on getting the cold crop vegetables in the ground as early as possible so they could proudly be the first to harvest a meal of peas? Whatever the particulars may have been its safe to say there was excitement and anticipation as a new gardening year unfolded.

Over this next month we encourage you to listen for the song of the frogs….take time to temper ceaseless work with ceaseless wonder.

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