Mar 17 2009

Dirt On Digging

Posted at 8:05 pm under Uncategorized

Our Plant Sale, May 16, requires plants to sell and our best resource for plants is member’s (friends, relatives) gardens. Most perennials benefit from being divided and what an opportunity to donate the divisions of a mature plant to a good cause. Customers who buy these plants are blessed to take home ‘hit the ground growing’ plants. What a wonderful way to assist and encourage others to garden! We need your plants! We can come and dig them from your garden or you can dig clumps, bag (don’t forget to identify) them and transport them to Billie or Angie’s house. Another option is for you to pot up your own plants. If you choose to DIY see Dick Darrah for info on labeling and other logistics. A small crew will gather plants from gardens during the week (we will make an appointment convenient to you) and a larger crew will pot them up on weekends. We need skilled willing volunteers at each of the following weekend potting sessions. Here is another opportunity to earn ‘garden bucks’!

Perennial Potting…Crews Needed
Saturday April 11, AM 9-12
Sunday April 19, PM 1-4
Saturday April 25, AM 9-12
Sunday May 3, PM 1-4

Sign up sheets for plant donations and potting crews will be available at the March 26th meeting or contact Billie by email or phone at 630-231-1791.

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