May 20 2009

Digging Squad… Signing Off…
by Billie Childress

Posted at 9:29 pm under Plant Sale

Just wanted to wrap up for the year with huge thanks to all of you who participated in getting perennials from member gardens potted up for the plant sale.  The generosity of those who donated plants was phenomenal!  It was a pleasure to be invited to your gardens to dig! Your plants were top notch! And thanks very much to those of you who dug and brought your plants for us to pot.

Hats off to the skilled hard working Saturday and Sunday crews of dividers, paper stuffers, dirt mixers, potters, and transporters who got all those wonderful plants in pots ready to sell! There were many “new” garden club members working side-by-side with “regulars” and the mix of folks was nothing short of delightful! You were all exceptional! You worked hard and did a great job! Thank you, thank you!

Don’t forget to pick up all those hard earned “garden dollars” at the next meeting. You can start planning how best to use all that ‘cash’ at the November auction. 

If you have suggestions to improve the dig squad process I would love to hear from you. Until next year then…save those pots.  We will need them!

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