Sep 18 2010

Open Board Positions for 2011

Posted at 9:48 pm under Uncategorized

The board for 2011 will be needing some new leadership. Please read the information below about the upcoming open positions and see where you can help out.

Vice-President: No pre-determined tasks go with this job. The president will make special assignments as things come up. This is a great way to get involved without knowing a lot of people or taking a whole lot of time.

Programs: Lou Horton has been our program chair for many years and is stepping down after 2010. This position could be filled by one energetic individual or a small committee. Tasks include finding and scheduling speakers for the months for club meetings for February, March, April, May, June, August, September, and October. Lou will take care of January this year. Speaker resources are available. Another task is to welcome the speaker to the meeting and introduce him/her. Can you do part of this?

Publicity: This position is open right now. The job entails finding ways to make WCGC known in the community. This might include posting meeting dates to the TribLocal, making use of an existing contact list for other media outlets, and helping with special event publicity. This also includes recording the Calling Post message that reminds us to come to meetings!

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