Jul 21 2009

July 2009 Garden Club Field Trip
-by Lou Horton

Posted at 8:17 am under Uncategorized

This year’s trip was attended by a small but select group of eight WCGC members. Our first stop was in Elwood (south of Joliet). We visited the delightful garden of Betty Nahas. Betty’s garden is divided into a number of “rooms” that supply delightful surprises as one enters each. Betty’s one acre property supplies the opportunity to display a large variety of sun and shade perennials in optimal conditions. While the garden contained beautiful specimens of many species, a Japanese ornamental Willow of extraordinary size and beauty stands out in my mind.

Our next stop was in Monee at the Possibility Place nursery. The nusery specializes in native perennials, woodies, and trees; many of their offerings are difficult to find at most conventional nurseries. We had our lunch on their patio and then were treated to a tour of their facilities by one of the sons of owner Conner Shaw. We were treated to an overview of a number of natives and were surprised by a number of facts supplied by our host including his observation that most of the half dozen Oak species that Possibility Place sells grow at the rate of two feet or more per year if sited and cared for correctly. The nursery employs innovative growing techniques that allow the trees and woodies to be transplanted with minimal transplant shock.

Our last stop was in Lemont at the home of John and Karen Grigas. Their two acre garden beautifully integrates native plants, sun perennials, a large vegetable garden and one of the largest and most impressive water features I have seen.

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