Archive for September, 2009

Sep 19 2009

How Easy it is to be Green
– Tips from Susan Grupp

Filed under Uncategorized

These ideas may not be new to you, but practicing them can make a real difference!

  • Water less frequently, but more deeply. This is not only better for the plants, but a more efficient use of our water resources.
  • Incorporating native plants into at least part of the landscape is advantageous because they’re less disease-prone, less likely to have insect problems, are more drought-tolerant due to deep root systems.
  • Use “rain garden” type plants near downspouts to solve runoff problems.
  • Recycling yard waste by composting provides a steady supply of nature’s fertilizer which mitigates PH problems as well as feeding the soil.
  • Planting deciduous trees on the west and south sides of buildings can produce as much as a 10% difference in the energy used for heating and cooling.

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– Tips from Susan Grupp